Friday, March 23, 2012

My First time Making Cheese

I am in the process of making cheese for the first time with  my mom. We are making Ricotta cheese. I hope it turns out good. First we have to get 1gallon of goat milk and put it on the stove and get the temperature to be at 195. It is taking forever! You have to constantly stir it or it will boil and have a bad taste.   After it gets to 195 you have to pour in 1/4 a cup of Apple cider vinegar (by the way that stuff smells horrible). Once you pour that stuff in you stir it slowly and it will form curds. Then you take the curds out and that's the ricotta. Then you add  1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda and  1/4 a tablespoon of melted butter and that gives it flavor. You stir that well and keep it in the frig for over a week and there you have it Ricotta Cheese. It weighs 2 pounds or it is suppose to!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

10 baby chicks

My mom came home from Tractor Supply with some little baby chicks the other day.  They are so cute!  We have some eggs in our incubator but they have not hatched yet.  They're all black right now and they are Barred Rocks.  I haven't picked the one I want yet because I don't want mine to grow up and be ugly looking. Right now we are keeping them in a big long box with all their food and water. When they get older we are going to let them be free in the fence with all the other chickens. We could have put them with a mama chicken to raise but the rooster might have been mean to the babies. Well enough talk - here are some pics.