Friday, April 20, 2012

The Milker & Needle Craft Girl

Who's ready for a long post?! :)


My job on the "BeeChick Barnyard" is milking the goat. I started milking Monroe, our goat, on February 20th of this year. I had to start since one of her "kids", Lily, died.

Before we ever had any animals (except rabbits, chickens and bees), we went over to a friends house to have a little field trip and milk her goat. 

I'm a pro!
Once I started milking, it went really smooth. Not to brag, but I was better than the girls. So, from there we decided I should be the milker.

I look horrible! I didn't know I was getting my pictures done that day! ;(

I've enjoyed milking. Some days I did NOT want to go out there to milk Monroe (I started milking in the afternoons which was better than the early in the AM). It started getting boring because she was is not giving much milk. Sunny keeps drinking it all! Mom can't make cheese with the amount of milk she is giving. I'm pretty sure I've stopped milking her for now. With Sunny still drinking Monroe's milk, Monroe shouldn't go dry. Once Sunny finally grows up and stops drinking milk, it will be worth our time to milk her and make cheese with all Monroe's milk.

I have gotten a little blamed for not getting much milk from Monroe. ;) ha! It's not like I can force the milk out of her! We're not sure if it's Sunny drinking it, or it could be Monroe. She may not be letting her milk down for me. We're pretty sure Sunny drinking it all, though.

Now for the long, but FUN, part!

I am also the knitter/crocheter! I taught myself to knit, about 4 or 5 years ago. My Nana had taught me some of crocheting. Whenever I tried, it did not look very good. So, I pretty much stuck to knitting.

Until either November or December of 2011. I taught myself to really crochet. I took what I knew from my Nana teaching me, and from books and I taught myself to crochet! I have to say, it is super easy. I picked it up really fast. I never thought crocheting was fun. Once I got started though, I didn't go back to knitting. I haven't really knitted anything since I started crocheting. Here's what I have crocheted or knitted since December of 2011.......


mom's quilt(knitting)

the day or two after  I learned crocheting, this is what I made- minnie mouse hat(crochet)

Zebra Brim Hat (knit)

hello kitty earflap hat(crochet)

minnie mouse earflap hat(crochet)

brim hat(knit)

gray slouch hat(crochet)

green slouch hat(crochet)

girl sock monkey(crochet)

little girl head band w/huge flower(crochet)

my first toddler dress(crochet)

my second toddler dress (crochet)

adult headband(crochet)

toddler poncho(crochet)

a.k.a- lack of motivation month

Georgia Bulldog earflap hat(crochet)

my third dress(crochet)

football earflap hat(crochet)
these are also things I started & finished since Monday (April 16th)....
baby-one eyed minion earflap hat(crochet)

adult- two eyed minion earflap hat(crochet)

toddler sunhat(crochet)

toddler sunhat(crochet)

6-12 month beanie hat(crochet)

0-3 month beanie hat(crochet)
0-3 month beanie hat(crochet)

I hope you enjoyed my post about what I do here at the Barnyard! :)